Chapter 11, Week 21 - TESTS VS TEMPTATION

tests vs temptation

I have to admit that for the past one month, I was not as disciplined as I should be. Instead of getting up early and go for my morning jog, I begin to skip a day more in a week, which means I only jog four times a week instead of five. Later I told myself that I should give myself a break once in a while. So I only jog 6.3KM than my usual 8.4KM which I have been doing for the past (almost) seven months. 

What is happening to me is that I allow myself to be tempted to initially sleep a little longer in bed, thus waking up late and decided to jog 6.3KM instead of 8.4KM. Once I have given in to this, the next temptation is I begin to skip a day and later two days in a week. I have tried once that I only jog once a week.

Temptation happens to all of us but it is our own selfish or lustful desire to fall for it. Never blame anyone or anything for tempting you from achieving your goals. Enticement, allurement, or seduction, they are all parts and parcels of temptation. We are the ones that allow ourselves to be tempted. We allow our thoughts and minds to be trapped. Once trapped, this powerful mind of ours will quickly process it before the other ‘positive voice’ stops us from committing the act which we know does not benefit us but hurts us and delay us from achieving our Life Goals.

The thing is this, if you do not correct the situation, realign yourselves, go back to your S.M.A.R.T. goals, ask yourselves why you set such and such of Life Goals, how important is it to achieve them, who are you achieving them for, you and I will be devastated. Yes, you read the word correctly – DEVASTATED. We will then tell ourselves that we will start all over again next month or next year or next semester. Guess what, the ‘next’ will never come. And this ‘ill-feeling’ of not being able to achieve things in lives begin to turn malignant. It becomes so cancerous it begins to cast a mold in shaping our behaviors and mindsets. Before you and I realize it, ten years or twenty years have passed us by. What changed when we woke up from our slumber or LAZYLAND are our friends and relatives are successful in their careers EXCEPT those who are stiff-necked and refuse to watch their shoelace while keeping pace in life’s race. From not achieving our Life Dreams, we allow another evil to infiltrate us - ENVY

“Aiyah, he is just plain lucky only”, “She bribed her way to success”, “He is not honest in his business dealings with customers”, “He married to his wife who has a very rich dad” and whatnot. Heard of these remarks or comments before? I am sure you do.

Be in know that all Life Goals are related to humans in one way or another. We either want to achieve our Life Goals so badly for our mom and dad, spouses, children, or even friends. Some of our Life Goals are for ourselves, fulfillment, and attaining self-actualization or to elevate our self-esteem. Here are some ways you can get yourself out from the pit before it gets worse.

1. Sit down with a successful friend or mentor of yours to confide in them your situation if you have one.

2. Write down (in point form) all your achievements you are proud of from high school or even primary school

3. Write beside your achievements “How” you achieve your goals and “What” made you achieve

4. Log into YouTube and occupy yourself the whole day or two to watch real-life stories of how people through all odds made it in life and become successful. Type “Real-life stories of success” and you can find hundreds of these videos. Have a paper and pen ready to write down pointers when you hear them. Don’t just listen to the videos, WRITE THE POINTERS DOWN.

5. Make a short trip alone by yourself to somewhere you like and just stroll around the place and observe the lives of people from all walks of life. You will be amazed at what you will see and learn from just observing people.

6. Go shopping. Buy yourself a new dress, a new shirt, new pants. Go to a hair salon or reflexology to pamper yourselves. Because you want to start anew not in your old clothes but NEW. It will lift up your positive spirit and attract positive vibes.

7. Go and pay a visit to a Car Showroom or House Sales Gallery or even a Watch Gallery to understand the features and benefits of each product. This visit will help to revive your Life Dreams or Life Goals to a certain extent.

8. Book and stay one night alone by yourself in a 5 Star hotel, enjoy all the facilities inside and dine all your meals inside the hotel. Today you can get a fantastic room rate even for 5 Star hotels. Need not to travel to another state, just within your state will do.

Once we understand the toxicity of temptations, it would be easier for us to overcome our test during our journey to attain our Life Dreams or Life Goals. The test is a method, practice, or examination designed to assess a person’s (or thing) knowledge, quality, inner strength, intelligence, or ability. It is a basis for evaluation or judgment. The very fact is that we take our test daily because life is progress. We learn from experience and should know what works and what doesn’t. It is better we participate in a test than to give in to temptations.

"Temptations do not help us but sway us away from our sight that we ought to focus" By David Leong.

In our pursuit (journey) of our Life Dreams or Life Goals, we need to learn to take note, jot them down, and reward ourselves once we pass a test. As I mentioned before in my earlier Chapters, it is impossible to eat a whole chicken in one go. You need to cut, slice and dice them in order to put them into your mouths to ingest it. The same with your goals, break down your goals into smaller chewable, and achievable daily goals. Then break your activities into hourly goals.

Alright, we shall continue next Friday on ‘tests vs temptations Chapter#11, week #22. I hope you like what you read and benefitted much from it.

This entire “Keep The Pace, Watch Your Lace” e-Book or in short ‘KTPWYL’ is all part of the VrooomBiz systems that I am endorsing and practicing in my organization. I hope you have benefitted from my series of e-Book thus far. Cheers.

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